Domain Name Brokerage

We negotiate acquisitions on high-profile domain names.

Domain Name

Our domain acquisition team have negotiated domain name acquisitions on hundreds of high-profile domain names.

Melbourne IT can use its wealth of industry contacts and experience to facilitate the purchase of the desired domain on behalf of our clients while keeping your identity confidential.

How it Works


We contact the owner and
negotiate on your behalf.


We are skilled negotiators and
will achieve the best possible
price for you.


If you agree on the price, we will
facilitate the transfer.


Once completed the domain will
be added to your account and
ownership details updated.


Once our team have contacted the domain owner and put forward a cost, we will work with the owner to negotiate the best possible price for you once you agree on this price, we will invoice you for the total cost. Payment will need to be paid before the transfer is initiated.

If you decide you don’t want to proceed with the purchase that’s ok, we won’t move forward. Our team can also suggest alternative domain names that relate to your original domain request.

There is an initial fee of $500 + the agreed domain price + service fee + transfer costs.

We use to facilitate the transfer